Spilling Travel Tea with Concert Violinist Tona Brown
This month we decided to chat with the multi-talented Tona Brown, a concert violinist, opera singer, and transgender advocate. Born and raised in Norfolk, Virginia, she now lives in Herndon, where she’s focused on giving violin, viola, piano, and voice lessons to students at her company, Aida Studios. You can also catch her live chats – on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitchy.tv – with musicians, politicians, celebrities, designers, and artists on Conversations with Tona Brown.
What most people don’t know is that Brown was the first transgender to perform at Carnegie Hall and she had the opportunity to perform in front of a former U.S. President. We caught up with her recently and asked her to spill the tea about those memorable career highlights, her first trip after getting her passport, what she loves most about traveling, and what it was like to hit the road and tour with other transgender artists.

Vacationer: Where did your love for music start?
Tona Brown: My love for music was inspired by singing in the church and then going to the National Symphony’s production of Peter and the Wolf, a special show for kids to introduce them to all the instruments in the orchestra. I knew instantly that I wanted to play the violin!
What sparked your passion to learn how to play the violin?
I met a teacher by the name of Darryl Huskey who was a phenomenal teacher and pedagogue. He was the first man of color that I met that played the violin and he became my mentor. He also was my first serious private teacher from middle school through high school.
You traveled from Florida to Canada with the “Tranny Roadshow,” a multi-media tour group of transgender artists. How was it traveling with a group of transgender people?
The funny thing about the “Tranny Roadshow” was that we actually traveled their minivan. So here I am cramped in a truck with all these men going from state to state and then to Canada! It was an amazing time they took really good care of me on that voyage! Traveling with other transgender people was amazing. Every stop we took on that tour was around other transgender people and allies, and I didn’t feel like I was the only transgender artist anymore. Some of the conversations on that tour changed my life and my perspective about the world! It was amazing!

You were the first transgender woman to perform at Carnegie Hall on June 25, 2014. Did you understand the gravity or importance of your performance then?
I did understand the gravity of the performance at Carnegie Hall because the historians wrote me to let me know that an LGBTQ event had never been hosted in the space. I was in complete shock. I focused on music that I felt would be different and be something that most people didn’t know. My program was of African-American composers, negro spirituals, and some European composers. The crowd was so emotional. There were a lot of tears and sniffles heard in the audience. Most people had never heard these pieces before because they are not taught in school. While attending Norfolk State University’s Junior Music Program, I started to learn about these remarkable works that weren’t being performed widely. My EP entitled, This Is Who I Am, includes many of these works.
Which U.S. President did you perform for? What do you remember the most about it?
One of the greatest performances of my life was the opportunity to perform for former President Barack Obama at the LGBT leadership conference at the Sheraton in NYC. I sang that national anthem and then was allowed time to speak with him and take a photo! I will never forget meeting a President and being so patriotic while representing my community.

Ok, let’s talk about travel. You identify as a transgendered woman of color. Does that influence how you travel?
Of course, I have to be careful wherever I go when I’m traveling. At this point in time, things are not totally safe for anyone but especially if you are a transgender woman of color because we are being murdered every month around the world.
Transgender people are very misunderstood and often times discriminated against and dehumanized by people, the media, celebrities, shows, movies you name it. So I always travel with that in mind and choose places that I know my friends have had great experiences and I make sure I don’t travel by myself.
At what age did you get your first passport? What was your first trip?
My first passport was at the age of 15. I went with my high school class on a trip to Europe to perform. We went to England and France. It was incredible. The trip showed me the possibilities one could have in life. And seeing other cultures and how people live is so important at that age. Also seeing castles, beautiful architecture, and then, comparing them to things I had learned in school, and relating these ancient buildings and paintings to what I do as a classical musician was life-changing. Now for the first time, everything made sense and I could get a full picture of what life was like when many of the pieces I loved were composed!

Do you enjoy traveling? What are some activities you enjoy doing when visiting a new travel destination?
Yes, I do enjoy traveling but not really far destinations like some of my friends. I love road trips, hiking, and being one with nature. Seeing the seasons change makes me want to load up my SUV and just hit the road. I love museums, art, and architecture, so I will travel just to see a beautiful home or castle. I love historic homes and mansions.
What top three places are on your list to visit for 2022?
I would like to go to Italy, Africa and maybe the Maldives.
You’re on a road trip. What singer or band is always on your music playlist?
Toni Braxton is always on my road trip playlist.
Vacation in the mountains or a vacation on the beach?
I would prefer a vacation in a log cabin in the mountains.

What makes a good travel companion?
A good travel companion is someone that can go with the flow. It’s hard traveling with people who can’t seem to understand that travel involves sacrifice or sometimes having a change of plans at the last minute.
What celebrity would be the ideal travel companion?
I would say someone like Will Smith. I think he would have me laughing the entire time!
Best book to read or movie to watch on a long-haul flight?
I would probably watch “The Devil Wears Prada,” one of my favorite movies to watch on a long trip.
Go somewhere new or go somewhere you’ve been before?
I would prefer to go somewhere new. Let’s make an adventure out of it!
Want to know more about Tona Brown, follow her on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook!