Summer TravelTravel InterestTrip Planning

New Study Indicates Summer Travel Surge in the US and Canada

It appears that North Americans are suffering from a bonafide case of wanderlust! Generali Global Assistance (“GGA”) announced very interesting and promising findings from American & Canadian respondents to the 2022 Holiday Barometer – the annual poll sponsored by its parent company, Europ Assistance, and conducted by the consumer research firm Ipsos. 

Based on the survey of 1000 residents of each country, summer travel is close to returning to pre-pandemic levels, which may be a problem due to reported pilot shortages.  Of the Americans surveyed, 60% say they intend to travel this summer – a 10-point jump from 2021 and approaching pre-pandemic levels. A similar number of Canadians surveyed also indicated they plan to travel this summer (61%). Those traveling are waiting longer to book their travel, however, with only 50% of Americans who said they were planning to travel having started to book their trips.  Even more Canadians are procrastinating on booking their travel plans, only 42% of Canadians who indicated they plan to travel have booked their summer plans.      

Chris Carnicelli, CEO of Generali Global Assistance, commented on the findings, “Even though travelers still need to take Covid-related precautions, it is reassuring that Americans are traveling again.  Last year, the Americans who took the Ipsos survey were optimistic about travel returning to normal in 2022 and seem to have been proven right. The number of Americans and Canadians who are traveling this summer is a great sign for the industry and, with increased travel budgets, the future of travel is looking up. We are even seeing an uptick in those who want to insure their travel against possible issues they may encounter here or abroad.”

Summer travel plans have returned to pre-pandemic levels in the US and Canada. Photo: Nadine Rupprect/ Unsplash
Summer travel plans have returned to pre-pandemic levels in the US and Canada. Photo: Nadine Rupprect/ Unsplash

The following is a recap of Generali Global’s findings:

  • 60% of American and 61% of Canadian respondents are planning to travel during the months of July through September, coinciding with summer vacation in North America.
  • Travel budgets are back up amongst Americans. Americans are expected to spend $2,750 this year which is almost a 20% jump from last year – outpacing the impact of inflation. Canadians are expected to spend about 10% less than their American counterparts.
  • While almost half of Americans surveyed have not decided on a summer destination, those who have are favoring domestic travel over international travel. The same holds true north of the border.
    • Those traveling internationally are favoring North America over Europe. Top destinations in Europe remain France, Italy, and the United Kingdom.
  • This year Americans are choosing city vacations over the beach as Covid-related restrictions have eased making urban tourism more appealing. Canada’s top destination types are a close race between cities (38%), countryside (37%), and seaside (35%).
  • American’s interest in travel insurance is still increasing, now at 38%, compared to previous years. Canadians are more likely to buy policies with 60% of those surveyed saying they were likely to buy insurance for an upcoming trip.
  • Among those planning to travel this summer, likely travel insurance purchases are up to 50% of American respondents.
    • Americans and Canadians heading overseas are much more likely to purchase a policy than those traveling domestically.
  • Parents are showing an increased desire for travel insurance when compared with those without children.
  • The Holiday Barometer also shows that the likelihood of purchasing travel insurance still shows a regional component among US respondents.
    • Residents in the northeast and the west are more likely to purchase travel insurance than those who identified as living in the Midwest and the South.

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