Justin T. Russo’s 10 Tips to Have the Best Pride Ever!
Pride Festivals are a time to let loose and celebrate being part of the LGBTQ community. Millions of revelers unite together at varying times and locations globally. Venues and events may change, but the vibe and joy is a constant no matter where one ventures. The other major consistency between Prides is the tips one can follow to ensure a fulfilling and overall wonderful experience!
1. Plan Ahead
Pride usually means large crowds and sold-out events. If you are certain of travel plans, be sure to purchase tickets to parties in advance. Most promoters also offer special early-bird specials that can save bundles!
2. Gauge Which Experiences Best Suit Your Needs and Wants
Big parties are not for everyone, nor are crowded parades. If you are going with a group, decide what to do together. Of course, never kowtow to others’ wishes if something makes you feel incredibly uncomfortable.
3. Choose Friends You feel Comfortable Traveling with as a Group
Particularly if traveling internationally, personalities can clash easily when friends want differing experiences. Since Pride is a joyous occasion, be sure to stick with people you can trust and work with easily.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Go it Alone
Whether it is an entire festival or a single event, there are few experiences where all participants are present for the same purpose and thus so many are open to making new friends!
5. Stay Safe
As cliché as it may be, ensure that all precautions are taken when celebrating. If you plan to drink lots of giggle water, do so responsibly and preferably with trustworthy people.
6. Have an Exit Strategy
As with any large event, one can easily become overwhelmed. Be sure to have a safe space to rest or to meet up with your party.
7. Always Have a Backup Plan
Not everything can go accordingly. Often times events will become overcrowded or not have the desired energy. Typically, simultaneous activities are occurring during Pride and it is always smart to have other options.
8. Dress Comfortably
As most Pride events take place in June, it is very easy to get sticky and hot! If you are running around all day, keep a tank-top and comfortable shoes handy!

9. Respect the Cause
Despite the cheerful atmosphere, Pride is also a time of reflection. Without activists pushing for change over the centuries, we would not have anything to celebrate.
10. Have Fun!
Above all else, Pride is a time to let loose and be free. Don’t forget that no matter where you are or who you are with, a good time is the ultimate goal!